Unfortunate fact- black dogs often are overlooked but are just as loving as the dogs of a different color!
Say hello to Sally. She is a 10 month old ACD/BC mix who is energetic and just a lover. She came into rescue at 6 weeks old with two sisters and two brothers and has lived in her current foster home, with her two sisters, three foster brothers, and a cat since. Her 2 brothers are also available but are being fostered in the Phoenix area. She is now ready to start her new adventure with her forever family! She loves to play with her foster brothers and is respectful of her feline foster sister. She can run like the wind and has bouts of the zoomies as she attempts to engage her foster brothers in playtime in the backyard. Her two sisters have been adopted recently so she is looking for companionship with another dog who is not an “in your face” type
of playmate.
She is fully vetted and spayed. She is crate trained and house trained.
She is incredibly bright and quite food motivated so further training should be a breeze for this athletic little girl. She is tall and lanky. There is not an ounce of fat on this girl! Sally loves to be with her people and would do well in a home with another respectful pup or with no pup at all. She will be happy either way.
Sally is currently being fostered in Rio Rico.
The first step to meeting any of our dogs is to submit an application. It in no way obligates you to adopt, it is simply part of our process. If the dog you are interested in is adopted before you can meet them or if we do not currently have a dog you are interested in we still encourage you to go through the approval process. Then you will be pre-approved and ready to adopt when a dog does come along that you are interested in.