Volunteering with ACDR
We are a 100% volunteer-based organization. No one gets paid monetarily; our pay check comes in the form of the waggin’ tails of our rescued dogs. Your gift of support is like every life we save: none is too small or insignificant that it can’t make a difference in someone’s life. Thank you for wanting to help ACDR give Australian Cattle Dogs and their friends a second chance to do just that. There are several ways you can help support Arizona Cattle Dog Rescue!
While Arizona Cattle Dog Rescue is a foster-home-based rescue, fostering is only one of the ways you can help. There are so many other areas you can volunteer! We have volunteers who do phone calls, help with web support, photography, fundraising, event coordination, office work, transportation, outreach and support. There are also areas in which we could use professional volunteers such as tax professionals, grant writers, artists for promo designs and so on. No amount of help is too small and every effort helps to saves lives!
If you think your special talent or passion could help us we’d love to hear about it! Submit your application today! Applications are located on our applications page. We will be in touch with you quickly as we are always eager to get to know like-minded folks who share our passion and devotion to rescue Australian Cattle Dogs. Even if you don’t know about cattle dogs but do have a passion for rescue and you think we’re the group for you we’ll gladly “convert” you into an ACD lover and supporter in no time!

Commonly asked questions about volunteering with ACDR
The purpose of this interview is to better acquaint ourselves with you and you with us. You will have an opportunity to learn more about what to expect in being a volunteer with ACDR and ask any questions you may have about us in general.
Our volunteers are located throughout the state so the phone call could come from a variety of area codes. Our volunteers will ALWAYS leave a message if able to and could also text or email you if needed.
Depending on how you would like to volunteer with us will then direct us to any further steps we may need to do.
You can help with home visits, transportation, phone calls, evaluations, asocial media, online support, fundraising ….. the list goes on. What do you think you can do for us?? We want to hear from you!
We do not “require” a certain amount of time from our volunteers. We simply ask that you do what you can to help us in the ways you are available in the area you are available.
Unfortunately because we do not have a shelter or facility in which a young person can come socialize with the dogs, clean or help in other such ways it is hard to accommodate minors. However if your child would like to help a foster home that is close to you we can always get you in touch with them to see if there are things that they need help with.